December 16, 17

Both of these days I spent mostly at home, mainly to relax and finish some touches on a paper. It was a much-needed rest. Thankfully I was able to recover quite a bit.

December 18

I went to TST to meet up with some classmates at a hot pot place called 牛陣. For $168 (per person), there was a lot of meat (beef, pork) and many choices of classic hot pot food, including fish balls and vegetables and the like. Beverages are also included in the price. What was also special about this place was that it had sweet curry over rice and Häagen-Dazs ice cream, both also included in the price.

After eating out, we walked around a plaza nearby and then went back home to finish up some work on the paper before getting rest.

Still recovering…

Went to church in the morning and then stayed at home to relax for a bit. Not too long afterwards, I was picked up to have dinner for my great-uncle (my 五公), who had his birthday today. There were many people there, most of whom I have not recognized or seen before. Even so, I had a really great time talking to and meeting them, all the while getting a chance to eat some great food.

My cousin and I slept over at our aunt’s place for the night, and soon after eating breakfast nearby, we went our separate ways. I traveled with my uncle to Hong Kong University and then walked around some streets in Central, including Hollywood Road.

Not long afterwards, we met up with some other relatives and ate at 蓮香.


This past week has been particularly rough since I had to balance being sick since Sunday (December 8) and studying for and taking two finals. Thankfully I was able to survive through  the week and will go to the doctor today.

Other than taking finals, some notable events of this week include eating at a Shanghainese place for dinner (Friday) and getting a lot more rest than usual.

In the morning, I had a chance to go to another 大牌檔, this time closer to where I live, at 大埔墟 (Tai Po Market). Their specialty was the pork chop and noodles. Afterwards, my relatives and I walked around the market, mostly for them to explain what this fish was or what that animal was.

Shortly after walking around the market, we went home, and I left for church to prepare for a Christmas performance later that day. I thought that it was fun, since I was able to play as a waiter and serve actual food and drinks to people.

After sticking around for a while to take pictures and eating some snacks, I went home to work on my paper for a bit.

December 5

As per usual of this week, I went to the university to get some studying and some paper-writing done. Afterwards, I went to my aunt’s workplace to tutor my cousin in chemistry.

December 6

Again, I went to the university to get some studying done, and then went home to eat.

The afternoon was focused on studying for the quiz later and then later taking the quiz, which turned out to be not too bad since the questions were given beforehand.

After the quiz, my friends and I headed out to Yau Ma Tei (油麻地) to eat some rice and some other good food. Finally, after walking around, I headed back home.

After an afternoon filled with studying for exams, I went with some classmates to Central to eat out at a Japanese buffet. The food was quite good and it was a decent price ($160). Then, we went by ferry to TST to see some Christmas decorations.

I had a chance to – with the assistance of a professor – tour around the science department for a bit to learn about the various lab equipment they have. I thought it was highly considerate of him to do so; I was able to learn quite a bit in that short amount of time. Afterwards, I went for lunch and soon after looking at the LEGO gallery for a final time, I found a room to study for a bit before meeting up with my friend to discuss a project and then head home.

November 30

Nothing in particular: attended fellowship and then headed back home for some studying.

December 1

I went to church in the morning, and after practicing for a drama, I went to my friend’s place to have hot pot. It was actually my first time eating hot pot at a friend’s house in Hong Kong with friends; I usually eat hot pot with family, so it was definitely an awesome unique experience.

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