It was an enjoyable day today. This morning’s lab experiment was reminiscent of what I usually work on in the lab back at home (column chromatography). After being let out early from lab since it was really short, I decided to grab lunch with my lab partner and afterwards worked on the lab report before traveling to Jordan to have hot pot.

Hot pot (打邊鍋)

Hot pot (打邊鍋)

Long day again… this morning, at the food chemistry tutorial, we went over the exam questions and answers. After the lecture, I went to the library to work on a chemistry assignment.

After Putonghua was volunteer work. Today, I decided to go to the session that taught Cantonese in a more loose setting, so it was quite unique seeing students (and volunteers) learn how to speak Cantonese.

Finally, after my environment class, I headed back home.

Yesterday was the day after Chung Yeung Festival (重陽節) so we had a day off from class. Initially, I was planning on hiking, but due to the condition of my leg, I decided not to risk getting it injured again, so I decided to spend the day working on index cards for Chinese, chemistry assignments, and watching a Taiwanese drama. However, the highlight for the day was having hot pot for the first time in Hong Kong. It was a different experience from back at home, but it was a really great (and delectable) experience all the same. I am looking forward to have more hot pot in the future!

Personal hot pot! Each person had their own pot to eat from, so that was a really unique experience for me.

Personal hot pot! Each person had their own pot to eat from, so that was a really unique experience for me.

I went to church early in the morning and then relaxed at home for a bit before eating dinner at CityU. Other than that, I prepared more index cards for my Chinese class. There’s much to learn especially since Mandarin is not my first language and I am learning Chinese characters on my own (using Google translate and local people to help me understand the meaning). Hoping that all this studying would pay off! My leg is healing quite well; I was able to travel around quite fine today.

For a previous post with pictures, here is the updated post from October 5.

Yesterday, I had a chance to relax a bit longer before leaving for fellowship and then go to my friend’s dorm to eat some delicious Korean food that my international friends made. Nothing too significant otherwise; alas, limited traveling means less exciting things to see. Still, sometimes, even the smallest or simple things may have such complex and significant meaning.

Nothing too important today. Just enjoyed myself by relaxing for the day, doing a little bit of work here and there. The weekends are usually filled with stuff!! Pictures and whatnot tomorrow!!

I had two classes today: Chinese and analytical chem. Afterwards, I was planning on finally having hot pot in Hong Kong for the first time, but it wound up being canceled and instead, I had a Vietnamese dinner, which was quite satisfying (though it still won’t beat the meal I had at my friend’s house: now that was authentic).

After dinner, I decided to go biking with my relatives for a bit. Even though I wound up injuring my leg, it was quite a refreshing way to end the day!

I had a chance to relax after attending my lab class and having lunch with some classmates. Worked a bit on my lab and caught up on some sleep. Nothing too significant, but the weather was definitely really great. I will update everything this weekend!!

Morning classes! Eh… it’s especially tough considering that I need to wake up early in preparation for an exam. The food chemistry exam wound up not being too difficult however, so I was grateful for that.

After the exam, I spent some time at the library focusing on what to write for my lab report before heading to my Chinese class. Once Chinese finished, I attended the volunteer event and found myself helping other students learn Cantonese. The experience was very unique to say the least!

Soon after the volunteer event ended, I finished my day with a class on the environment, specifically discussing coal usage and the politics behind it.

Woke up earlier than expected, so it felt really nice. I decided to work on my lab for a bit before heading to class. After class, I had lunch with some classmates and discussed our direction for our group project, and soon after, we went to a different room to continue discussing. While discussing, I also took some time to study a bit for my exam tomorrow.

Afterwards, we had dinner close to the uni and then had a classic snack from Hong Kong: an eggette, better known as 雞蛋仔 (gai dan zai). It’s crispy and has a pancake-esque taste to it. Quite delicious.

… I should be free starting Thursday to post up more detailed blog posts and pictures, so please be patient!

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