Spring 2012 Calendar
Feb. 1 |
Hello Again! Reading from The Craft of Research, Chapters 14. Expectations regarding revision, new writing, and e-portfolios. |
Feb. 8 |
Reading from The Craft of Research, 15. Bring in flash drive samples of visual evidence, including Power Point images for presentation, as well as charts, graphs, etc. within your text (if applicable). |
Feb. 15 |
Individual Conferences with Lindsey and me. 2 weeks of solid research/writing/revising this week and next. |
Feb. 22 |
Individual Conferences with Lindsey and me. Continue writing. |
Feb. 29 |
Reading from The Craft of Research, Chapter 16. Bring in a hard copy of your revised Introduction and working Conclusion for peer evaluation and send to a copy to me via email. |
Mar. 7 |
Oral Reports and Peer Evaluation. Submit outline and notes to me on the day of your Presentation. |
Mar. 14 |
Oral Reports and Peer Evaluation. Submit outline and notes to me on the day of your Presentation. |
Mar. 21 |
Oral Reports and Peer Evaluation. Submit outline and notes to me on the day of your Presentation. |
Mar. 28 |
NCUR trip. No regular class. |
Apr. 4 |
Reading from The Craft of Research, Chapter 17. Bring in 2 sample pages from your draft for diagnosis of main characters, active verbs, and sentence flow. |
Apr. 11 |
Spring Break: No Class. Complete your Thesis Draft for next week. |
Apr. 18 |
No regular class because of Macaulay Research Event. Full Thesis Draft due for me and your advisor due by April 19. Provide both hard copy and email copy for me. |
Apr. 19 |
Macaulay Research Event. Invite your Advisor to Attend. |
Apr. 25 | Advisor and I return Full Thesis Draft with comments for final revision. |
May 2 |
Revise and Polish. |
May 9 |
Final Class: Completed Thesis and 2 page Self-Evaluation Due. E-Portfolios on Display. |
May 16 |
Advisor’s Evaluation due. |
Fall 2011 Calendar
Aug. 31 |
Introductions and expectations. Discussion of research interests and how you will work with your advisor. Discussion of the course website and your online portfolios with Lindsey Freer. |
Sept. 7 |
Reading from The Craft of Research, Prologue, and Chapters 1, 2, and 3, and pages 273-76. Read prior to writing your Statement.Autobiographical Statement due: 2-3 pages. Your statement should focus on how your personal background and intellectual interests have led to your research area. Please speculate on ways to connect with your readers (chapter 2) and indicate what your key questions are at this point (chapter 3).Please provide me with a hard copy, give a copy to your advisor, and place it in your Portfolio on the course website. |
Sept. 14 |
Signed Advisor Sheet due.Reading from The Craft of Research, Chapters 4 and 5, and Appendix, pp. 283-311 (for your areas).What is your problem? Research bibliographies and background sources to focus on your research problem. Bring to class hard copyexamples of 3 different kinds of sources that you have investigated.Indicate whether you need to have Human Subject Committee approval for interviews. |
Sept. 21 |
Reading from The Craft of Research, Chapter 6.Research Question Paper due: 2-3 pages.Indicate your research question/problem and then choose 2-3 relevant sources, provide bibliographical data for each, and engage with the sources as shown in Chapter 6 in light of your research question.Be prepared to present these findings to the class. |
Sept. 28 |
No CUNY Classes (work on your proposal and gather 3 new sources) |
Oct. 5 |
Reading from The Craft of Research, chapters 7 and 8.Draft of Proposal of Focused Topic due: 2-3 pages.Indicate your working claim and outline the main reasons that support it. State the relevance of those reasons and the kind of evidence you will use to support them. Specify the methods of research and analysis employed in your field. Bring 3 hard copies for peer evaluation in-class. |
Oct. 12 |
Revised Proposal of Focused Topic due: 2-3 pages.Please place on the course website and give a hard copy to your advisor and to me. Gather 3 new sources to discuss in class. |
Oct. 19 |
Become familiar with the citation style of your discipline (course website) and bring citation examples of 3 different kinds of sources to class.Reading from The Craft of Research, Chapters 9 and 10. Using chapters 9 and 10 as a guide, your annotations should evaluate the source’s evidence and whether it responds sufficiently to other claims regarding the topic. |
Oct. 26 |
Annotated Bibliography due: 6-8 sources that you are likely to use in your first semester Draft.Provide a hard copy for me and give one to your advisor. In addition to designating the source’s thesis, your paragraph-long annotations should respond to the source’s key arguments in relation to your topic. Indicate how the source has informed your thinking about your topic. |
Nov. 2 |
Reading from The Craft of Research, Chapter 11.Warrant two of your major claims. Create a diagram (based on the model in the chapter) and also write out the claim and reasoning process in formal paragraph structures. Bring to class.Create a draft of your abstract for the NCUR Conference. |
Nov. 9 |
Once you receive my comments, place your revised Annotated Bibliography online.Reading from The Craft of Research, Chapter 13. Position Paper: Bring 5-7 new pages to class that reflect your research thus far. Be sure that you have quoted and paraphrased correctly. |
Nov. 16 |
Reading from The Craft of Research, Chapter 12. Bring in 2 copies of your 4-part working introduction for peer review (see chapter 12). |
Nov. 23 |
Drafting. Individual Conferences. |
Nov. 30 | Drafting. Individual Conferences. |
Dec. 7 | Last regular class meeting. First Semester Draft due: 25 pages plus bibliography. Hard copy and email copy for me. Provide a copy for your advisor and be sure your advisor has the form to be sent to me (see below). |
Dec. 14 |
Your advisor’s comments on First Semester Draft due to me by email and signed form sent to me by regular mail. |
Winter Recess: |
Continue your research and develop your thesis. |