In the Land of Oz

How’s the Weather?
January 5, 2011, 2:15 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

Well, I’ve landed in Australia safely and I’m loving it! Why you may ask? The weather, of course. After narrowly avoiding New York’s Blizzard of 2010, what could be better than the Australian summer? Hot days and cool nights beats 20 inches of snow easily.

However, Australia is full of surprises. It’s unseasonably cool here in Geelong, Victoria. Since I’m in the Southern Hemisphere and the southeastern part of Australia, it should be a lot hotter than the 20 degrees Celsius that it is today (that’s 68 degrees Fahrenheit for those unfamiliar with the metric system).

I’m not complaining, though, because the sun is shining and it’s a perfect day to head to the Eastern Beach Reserve for some volleyball and socializing!

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