Bonjour! :)

Je m’appelle Jacqui.  (My name is Jacqui, for those non-Francophones :]) It has been my lifelong dream to go to Paris.  I grew up reading the Madeline books, fascinated from an early age by the French lifestyle. As I took French from 7th through 12th grade and I gradually grew more and more obsessed with the idea studying abroad in Paris during my junior year.  And now, here I am.  With my love of fashion, art, cuisine, wine, and the je ne sais quoi that defines Parisian culture, I have no doubts that I am in the right place.  It’s going to be quite the adventure, and I invite you to follow my blog and enjoy the ride with me. 🙂



Some fast facts about me:

Full Name: Jacqueline Elizabeth Larsen

Age: 20

Originally from: Manitowoc, Wisconsin

Home University: Macaulay Honors College at Brooklyn College

University While Abroad: University of Paris at Nanterre Ouest

Major: Psychology

Minor: French (shocking, I know)

Dream Job as a Child: Ballerina or author

Dream Job Now: Changes about every week

Favorite Color: Purple

Favorite Food: Pasta

Favorite Book: Paper Towns by John Green (for teens, but it’s incredible!)

Favorite Films: Darjeeling Limited, Revolutionary Road, Big Fish

Favorite TV Shows: GIRLS, Parks and Recreation, Mad Men

Ten Random Facts:

1. I have been vegetarian since I was 13, vegan from about age 16, and I just converted back to vegetarianism about a month ago in preparation for Paris.

2.  I love magazines.  Maybe it’s my short attention span, but I’ll read just about anything with glossy pages and interesting articles.

3. My main vices are gum which calms my nerves, and chocolate which requires no explanation.

4. Since reading Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking, by Susan Cain, I have become very interested in the idea of introversion, and probably make some reference to it at least once a week.  And yes, I would consider myself an introvert.

5. This goes for just about everyone I have ever met but I love music.  I basically always have something playing if only as background noise.  It freaks me out when stores or restaurants don’t have music playing.

6. I ran cross country my senior year of high school.  I was and am terrible, but I continue to run as a stress reliever and to stay in shape.

7.  I am a night owl.  Something has to be seriously wrong for me to be in bed before midnight or up before ten.

8. My favorite class in high school was theatre because it taught me so much about who I am, how to stay composed in tough situations, how to deal with my emotions, and generally be a better human being.

9. I much prefer having a small group of close friends than many acquaintances.  People in general overwhelm me, but I like to think that I would stop at nothing for those I consider dear to my heart.

10. This is my first time abroad (other than Canada, which doesn’t count) and I could not be more excited.

Thanks for reading. Or, should I say, merci 🙂

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