121 Bis Rue de la Pompe: A Love Story

On August 24th, 2013, I fell in love. Everyone warned me this would happen, that I would be whisked off into some fairy tale Parisian romance in the City of Love. I just never thought it would happen to me. I’m very practical, and I’m in Paris to study after all! But sure enough, four days in, it happened. And it happened, as love often does, when I expected it the least.

It was my first apartment tour of a studio for myself and I was very nervous. Would I like it, and perhaps more so…would it like me?

I got off at what I believed at the time to be the closest train station, Trocadéro. And I was greeted with this:

Not bad, just the Eiffel Tower peeking out through some trees

Not bad, just the Eiffel Tower peeking out through some trees

I walked a brisk seven minute walk to the apartment, not getting lost once (okay I got lost a few times) and found the place. Or, at least, what I thought was the place. After a phone conversation with the landlady in my broken French, I learned that the apartment was not in fact, in the orthopedic surgery business complex next door. That was 121 Rue de la Pompe, not 121 BIS Rue de la Pompe. Rookie mistake.

I finally found the right building.

This may or may not be courtesy of Google Maps...

This may or may not be courtesy of Google Maps…

Upon entering the first code at the proper address, I was ushered in to this:

Note the light at the end of the tunnel (foreshadowing alert?)

Note the light at the end of the tunnel (foreshadowing alert?)

Which leads into this:

You could say I was into it

You could say I was into it

After ample awkwardness and confusion, and a swell first impression, it was on to the tour. We chatted briefly in her swanky apartment, then headed up to the 6th floor. I learned that all the fancy people living on the first five floors have access to the elevator and red carpet staircase. Those living on the top floor as I would be, use a separate, code-protected staircase, still marked “Service” from when the 6th floor was inhabited by maids working for those living in the building.

Nothing wrong with a private entrance!

Nothing wrong with a private entrance!

Slightly sketchy, but lovable spiraling staircase

Slightly sketchy, but lovable spiraling staircase

Was the staircase a bit creepy? Yes. Did I feel I would trip and fall down at any moment? Sure. Was the paint peeling in more places than not? Absolutely. But it was truly love at first sight. They say when you love something, you love it not in spite of its flaws but in true acceptance and support of them. That these unique qualities are the true essence of your unconditional love. And trust me, they were right.

It immediately felt like home to me. I thought of all the history, all the people that had walked these stairs in this old building in this incredible part of Paris. And I immediately wanted to be one of them. After your efforts, you reach the top and you’re greeted by this:

Worth the six flights up

Worth the six flights up

A few dark hallways later:

Dark hallway #1, which bears a similar resemblance to dark hallway #'s 2 and 3

Dark hallway #1, which bears a similar resemblance to dark hallway #’s 2 and 3

And we arrived at the unmarked door:

You know it's special when it's unmarked and freshly painted

You know it’s special when it’s unmarked and freshly painted

Inside was bright, modern, invigorating fully furnished bliss. I felt warm and accepted by it.

Suitcases not included

Suitcases not included

Petitie kitchen

Petite kitchen

Le desk

Le desk

Desk #2

Desk #2

Complete with futuristic, spaceship-esque shower!

Complete with futuristic, spaceship-esque shower!

No, there's no bidet.  But one unique thing about the toilet: it's electric! :D

No, there’s no bidet. But one unique thing about the toilet: it’s electric! 😀

I checked out the view:

Not bad I thought.

Not bad, I thought.

It was then that the landlady mentioned, in her casual, classically French way that the previous tenant had noticed that at the right angle, the Eiffel Tower can be seen from said window.

No big deal

No big deal

I know most people might find this pathetic, but to me it meant the world. I knew, at this moment, that this apartment was the one, the one I had dreamed about all my life. Not only was it walking distance from the Eiffel Tower, but here the tip of it, along with everything I’ve hoped for, was in plain sight. I was captivated, lovestruck and mesmerized.

“There are much better places in Paris,” offered the landlady, always the businesswoman and supporter of young love.

We returned to her floor to discuss logistics of the courtship. I professed my adoration and confessed that I was ready to sign the papers. But it was then I learned the terrible news: there was another interested suitor. Another girl had toured it, a few days before me and was still making a decision.

Well that was it, I decided. Finished. Someone else would, inevitably, swoop this apartment up. How could anyone say no to this beauty? I spent the next several days waiting by the phone, heart on the cusp of hope and a fear of the worst. After the classic three day rule, I called back, confirming my interest. No response.

I was heartbroken. I bought myself a sad, French-sized (read: minuscule) cheesecake from McDonalds for reasons of Wifi and got to work researching other places. I find several other prospects: nice apartments, from good neighborhoods. But none compared to my deep affection for 121 Bis Rue de la Pompe.

Finally, my phone rang. The wait was over. The apartment was mine.

I wouldn’t be homeless on the streets of Paris, mourning my lost love. Everything fell perfectly into place, as I fell perfectly in love. I moved in on September 1st and the rest, as they say, is history.

It might not be perfect and it may be an unconventional relationship to say the least but my apartment makes me very happy. I think it’s safe to say I found my soul apartment. I love you 121 Bis Rue de la Pompe, and I can’t wait to spend the next eight months together. <3

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