72 Hours of Brussels and Amsterdam

This may sound like Lifetime-esque travel film but was actually the length of my whirlwind trip to two new cities (and countries): Brussels, Belgium and Amsterdam, the Netherlands. The main focus was on Amsterdam, I really only chose Brussels as a side trip to break up the long bus ride.

My friends Imani, Cali, and Victoria were my travel companions on this adventure.

The journey began November 1st, bright and early at 6:30am. I took the first metro from my neighborhood at 5am to get to the bus on time. I am definitely not a bus person but I was pleasantly surprised at how spacious and nice it was (go iDBus!)

We could even track our progress on the screen!

We could even track our progress on the screen!

My friend Cali enjoying the ride

My friend Cali enjoying the ride

This basically sums up Belgium by bus.

This basically sums up Belgium by bus.

We arrived in Brussels around 11:30am and headed off to find our hotel.

Trying to navigate the Brussels metro system

Trying to navigate the Brussels metro system

We stayed at the appropriately named Hotel Manhattan (all four of us live in NYC when not spending semester(s) in Paris). Our reservation for four granted us two rooms for only 25 euros per person (not bad!)

The accommodations weren't quite Manhattan status (although much larger than a room in the city) but they worked for the night!

The accommodations weren’t quite Manhattan status (although much larger than a room in the city) but they worked for the night!

Armed with a paper map from the hotel, we set off to explore the city.

Spotted: A Chi-Chi's, a restaurant where my parents worked in college, now extinct in the United States!

Spotted: A Chi-Chi’s, a restaurant where my parents worked in college, now extinct in the United States!

Some great music being played in the square!

Some great music being played in the square!

Break for lunch at a touristy place where we discovered the joy of paying 3 euros per water bottle (no tap water here :0)

Break for lunch at a touristy place where we discovered the joy of paying 3 euros per water bottle (no tap water here :0)

We then circled back to Drug Opera, mostly because we were intrigued by the name

We then circled back to Drug Opera, mostly because we were intrigued by the name

Enjoying delicious Belgian waffles and beer!

Enjoying delicious Belgian waffles and beer!

The stores were aglow with Christmas spirit

The stores were aglow with Christmas spirit


Very old buildings!

Very old buildings!

Very old indeed!

Very old indeed!

The Peeing boy statue that everyone in Brussels is obsessed with for some reason

The Peeing boy statue that everyone in Brussels is obsessed with for some reason

Fulfilling my one goal in Brussels....eating brussels in Brussels! Yes, they were frozen, but mission accomplished nonetheless.

Fulfilling my one goal in Brussels….eating brussels in Brussels! Yes, they were frozen, but mission accomplished nonetheless.

After a day of exploring, we headed back to our hotel.

Just relaxin' at the hotel...or somethin'

Just relaxin’ at the hotel…or somethin’

We took a two hour nap, then were up at 2:30am to catch our bus to Amsterdam.

It was a little early to be awake...

It was a little early to be awake…

We set out to find our bus which was a little…miserable. It was raining, we got very lost with our pathetic paper map, and found the people we encountered to be of little help. We even stopped at a nice hotel and the person in the lobby only said “This is not a public place” and refused to help us. Luckily, we found our bus just in time and we passed out on the two hour bus ride to Amsterdam!

Caffeined up and planning our route at the bus station!

Caffeined up and planning our route at the bus station!

First glance at the funky Amsterdam skylines

First glance at the funky Amsterdam skylines

Stop for breakfast to use wifi and get our bearings as places began to open!

Stop for breakfast to use wifi and get our bearings as places began to open!

Trying on the hats typical to Amsterdam souvenir shops

Trying on the hats typical to Amsterdam souvenir shops

Hotel Neutraal: if you desire an average stay? ;P

Hotel Neutraal: if you desire an average stay? ;P

Hot food vending machines! No vegetarian options, but still cool

Hot food vending machines! No vegetarian options, but still cool

Hanging out by one of the many canals in Amsterdam

Hanging out by one of the many canals in Amsterdam

Lots of water access!

Lots of water access!

Cute little guy we encountered in our travels

Cute little guy we encountered in our travels

More beautiful water views

More beautiful water views

My friend Victoria in front of...some famous building

My friend Victoria in front of…some famous building

In line at The Anne Frank House

In line at The Anne Frank House

Bikes and streetlights

Bikes and streetlights

Definitely a bike friendly city!

Definitely a bike friendly city!

Funky thrift store with profits going to AIDS research

Funky thrift store with profits going to AIDS research

It was strange seeing a language we don't speak a word of everywhere...

It was strange seeing a language we don’t speak a word of everywhere…

After a very long day...we spotted our hotel in the distance!

After a very long day…we spotted our hotel in the distance!

Day 2:
Exhausted after our first day, we got ample sleep this time to prepare for another packed day.

Similar set up to the last place, 2 rooms for 2, at only 25 euros a person!

Similar set up to the last place, 2 rooms for 2, at only 20 euros a person!

Gearing up for Day 2 in Amsterdam!

Gearing up for Day 2 in Amsterdam!

Checking out the local options after exiting the train

Checking out the local options after exiting the train

Cali, in the inviting light of Amsterdam

Cali, in the inviting light of Amsterdam

Imani and I in one of the city's many wooden shoes

Imani and I in one of the city’s many wooden shoes

Starting to get a hang of the language...sort of

Starting to get a hang of the language…sort of

After a long walk in the rain...hiding in the classic I Amsterdam sign!

After a long walk in the rain…hiding in the classic I Amsterdam sign!

We were craving pancakes...this is about as close as it gets in Europe!

We were craving pancakes…this is about as close as it gets in Europe!

Taking the train to the bus back to Paris

Taking the train to the bus back to Paris

Overall Impressions:

It was a whirlwind weekend but I got what I wanted, which was a snapshot of each city.

Brussels: Beautiful, old world town sort of feel. There was plenty to marvel at, but not necessarily a lot to do. I think devoting a day to the city was the right amount of time. A lovely experience but not necessarily somewhere I would return.

Amsterdam: What most impressed me about this misty city of bike lanes and water access besides the beauty of these amenities was their liberal perspective on controversial topics like marijuana usage and prostitution. I knew going in that this was the case but seeing the openness to both issues was an eye-opening experience. The acceptance and subsequent success of both forms of commerce really made me question whether America and even France’s position on each is optimal. Business aside, the outright condoning of each somehow made both activities seem safer. Regardless of political opinions on either matter, it was certainly a trip that made me think, and I wish I had longer to meet Amsterdam residents and discover their thoughts on these hot button issues.

Overall, I’d mark my first trip outside France a success and look forward to more adventures.

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