• Things I Still Don’t Understand About The French

    So, after a very long hiatus, I am back in the states. *Insert endless tears* This post was in production many months ago so consider it thoughts I had mostly while still abroad. A few more wrap-up updates to come so stay tuned! 1. Tiny Coffee So the French are big on espresso, which is …

  • American Comforts

    Prepare yourself for the sentence that follows. Ready? Okay here we go: As much as I love Paris, sometimes I miss things from America. There, I said it. I don’t miss the low minimum wage, fast food obsession, or general apathy but there are some things that Paris is definitely missing out on and most …

  • 72 Hours of Brussels and Amsterdam

    This may sound like Lifetime-esque travel film but was actually the length of my whirlwind trip to two new cities (and countries): Brussels, Belgium and Amsterdam, the Netherlands. The main focus was on Amsterdam, I really only chose Brussels as a side trip to break up the long bus ride. My friends Imani, Cali, and …

  • Nuit Blanche: October 5th

    In English: “White Night,” when eclectic artists and innovators of all kinds put their work on display for curious Parisians to observe, marvel, and experience. The events were hit or miss, but it was certainly a unique night! It was a perfect example of how things don’t always go according to plan, but sometimes that …