• Day 2: My First Real Day in Paris

    I woke up to the sound of a fire alarm going off.  Or at least, what I believed to be a fire alarm. It was 9:30am and I had just managed to fall back asleep on my crazy jet-lag schedule.  I reluctantly headed downstairs, still wearing my little sleep tank top and short shorts because …

  • The Arrival: My First Day in Paris

    My flight got in to Charles De Gaulle Airport in Paris around 8am Paris time.  Despite the fact that I didn’t really sleep on the flight and my body felt it was 1am as though I were back in Wisconsin, I was full of energy.  The line for customs was separated between French citizens and …

  • The Flight Over: Chicago-Toronto-Paris

    On August 18th, I said goodbye to my cat and home in Manitowoc, Wisconsin and headed to Chicago with my parents.  After the three hour drive, we had only about twenty minutes at the hotel before we were needed to head out to see Book of Mormon.  During this time, I decided to check in …

  • Visa Process

    To say the process of getting a visa is stressful, or a just a small form taking minutes of your time, would be a gross understatement.  It’s more like a full time job.  It seems deceptively simple, with a list of documents that are required to obtain a student visa.  But there are specific rules …