Okay time to cry

I never thought I would hate snow so much. I always enjoyed snow, until today. I woke up this morning to find out that my flight was cancelled! I’m so depressed 🙁 The next few hours were full of waiting and being put on hold for literally hours! Everything is snowed out and all flights are cancelled ( well except some, which i can’t really figure out nor do i want to talk about -_-)

So my adventure has been postponed till the 28th, hopefully the snow will be cleared up, and off we’ll go. But for now I have no choice but to try to enjoy my extra days in New York.

Snow, Snow go away come again another day ( except not the 28th !)

2 Responses to “Okay time to cry”

  1.   Jaya Says:

    Just sit back, relax, sip some hot chocolate and enjoy the next two days with your family before it gets CRAZY in Argentina!

  2.   Albina Khayrulina Says:

    Its kind of sad we are all still in NYC. But hey, flying in that weather is dangerous. At least we’ll be safe!
    But ugh, snow. Ugh.
    Hope everything goes well tomorrow!!!

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