And the excitement begins!

So it’s December 23rd, and I just got back from a full day of Christmas/ Argentina Shopping. Now that finals are over, its finally sinking in that I’m leaving the country in 3 days! AHHH I couldn’t be more excited , especially after this insane semester. Hopefully Argentina is everything I hope it is.

Warm weather, beaches, tango, steak…. hmm what more do you need? ( oh yea and classes too, can’t forget about those)

I haven’t even started packing yet, I’m quite confused as to what to take and what not to take. oh decisions, decisions, I hate making decisions!

I should probably start packing, but I think I’ll just sip some hot chocolate and watch Christmas movies.

Here’s too you Argentina! Our adventure soon begins.

2 Responses to “And the excitement begins!”

  1.   Simmi Kaur Says:

    i approve of watching christmas movies :3 and anyway, last minute packing is the best!
    (not, you’re totally going to regret this a little but who cares)

    i’m getting a little jealous from your list of amazing Argentinean things (tango and beaches?! sign me up) 😀

    so excited!!

  2.   Jaya Says:

    I’M LAST MINUTE PACKING TOO!! great minds think alike… 🙂

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