Okay so I haven’t written a blog post in so long! SORRY. I’ve just been caught up in trying to experience everything Argentina has to offer. Plus school has started, its not difficult but its still work.
I thought I’d share some fun facts, or bits of information that I have learned about Argentina.
First of all there are NO stop signs and barley any traffic lights. It terrifies me! The cars literally drive straight through without even slowing down, and if they see a car about to hit them they just speed up. I have a hard time keeping my eyes open while sitting in a taxi. However I have not seen an accident yet so I guess there is some methodology that seems to be working for these drivers?
There are no napkins in restaurants. Instead they have these pieces of plastic, which really serve no purpose. I miss napkins, a lot. On the rare occasion that we find napkins in any restaurant we hoard them like thieves.
Argentines love their meat. After two weeks here I am craving vegetables. It has actually been a quest to find vegetables here. From steak, to chorizo to veal, I can’t escape it. I do feel bad for my vegetarian friend; she has a hard time finding something to eat.
Argentines love their naps. They call it “siesta”. It varies in duration, anything from 2 to 6pm. Stores literally shut down, they don’t care if they lose business, and they take their naps seriously. There have been countless times where we have been in search of food, but failed because the stores literally close their shutters.
Argentines do not sleep at night. They eat dinner at 10 or 11pm. Then they are up till at least 2; and this is on a normal schedule. The streets are full of both young and old at night. They are so lively it’s refreshing.
Argentines are very friendly. They are very welcoming and love to meet new people. There’s the argentine kiss, which is the customary kiss on the cheek. It takes a little getting used to. Even men kiss each other on the cheek. But after a while, it makes you feel part of the culture and becomes a natural gesture.
Adios Amigos, more fun facts to come!

6 Responses to “FUN FACTS!”

  1.   Becky (Princess) Says:

    Hi Sunshine! We really miss you over here! Sounds like your having fun! Its like your on a roller coaster everyday! It must be nice to be able to take a nice long siesta after a long days worth of school right? Make sure you wear your seat belt at all times! Have fun!

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