Archive for Food

Buenos Aires, worth the wait

Friday, December 31st, 2010

We finally arrived in Buenos Aires, two days ago. Sorry this post is kind of late, but I’ve been so caught up in exploring the city and settling down that I haven’t had much time to blog, plus the internet in our hotel is really bad.

After a long flight ( almost 11 hours ) , I was so excited to get off the plane. As soon as I entered the airport, I felt it , HEAT!  It was warm, and a bit humid but after that Blizzard in New York, anything was better. I remember standing in the airport at customs and thinking to myself “wow, I can’t believe I’m actually here”. It still feels like a dream to me, but I’m doing my best to take it all in and really experience and remember it.

Buenos Aires is a beautiful, bustling city. In my opinion it is a combination of India and New York(just throw in some Spanish speakers). The city is crowded, in fact our hotel was located near 9 de Julio, the widest avenue in the world. Taxis, buses, and people everywhere.

On our first day, we wandered around and went to some street markets; we also tried some real Argentinean food. Let me just say these Argentineans know how to EAT!

From empanadas to Pizza, to Pasta everything just tastes better here. I can confidently say empanadas are probably my favorite food so far. They’re just so cute and yummy! 🙂  ( There will definitely be a post dedicated to food soon !)

Empanadas perfecto 🙂

Gnocchi Pasta with steak

Buenos Aires

Buenos Aires is definitely a unique city, the people are friendly and the sun is always shining, the food is great, and the coffee is even better 🙂

Let’s just say it was well worth the wait!