Archive for Learning

Quieres Bailar? (Would you like to dance?)

Saturday, January 1st, 2011

We had a day full of dance today, from tango to folk dance, it was quite a show. We attended Los Caminitos, Tango Show. All I can say is WOW. Tango is such a beautiful dance, they dancers move so elegantly as if they are floating on the stage. You can literally feel the passion between the dancers as they move from slow graceful steps, to fast dramatic moves. It was my first time at a tango show, and I could not have been more impressed. The show also had traditional Argentine folk dance, which was very light and had a happy mood to it. You can see how tango has developed from traditional folk dance, and how the two styles have their similarities and differences, from their moves to even the way they dress.

Los Caminitos Tango Show

Traditional Argentine Folk Dance

After the show, we walked around La Boca, a neighborhood in Buenos Aires, similar to the Canal Street of Manhattan. It was a beautiful day to walk around and shop, with a breeze from the water, and tango music floating from the many restaurants. That was when we stumbled upon an out-door café with another tango show. I enjoyed this one much more, it was a lot more intimate and there was a lot of crowd interaction. The dancers came up to us and talked us and showed us some moves, while quietly laughing at us as we tried our best to learn.

Tango at an outdoor cafe in La Boca , AMAZING!

Shopping in La Boca

It was an unforgettable day, from steak, to tango, to shopping, What more could anyone want?

Buenos Aires, worth the wait

Friday, December 31st, 2010

We finally arrived in Buenos Aires, two days ago. Sorry this post is kind of late, but I’ve been so caught up in exploring the city and settling down that I haven’t had much time to blog, plus the internet in our hotel is really bad.

After a long flight ( almost 11 hours ) , I was so excited to get off the plane. As soon as I entered the airport, I felt it , HEAT!  It was warm, and a bit humid but after that Blizzard in New York, anything was better. I remember standing in the airport at customs and thinking to myself “wow, I can’t believe I’m actually here”. It still feels like a dream to me, but I’m doing my best to take it all in and really experience and remember it.

Buenos Aires is a beautiful, bustling city. In my opinion it is a combination of India and New York(just throw in some Spanish speakers). The city is crowded, in fact our hotel was located near 9 de Julio, the widest avenue in the world. Taxis, buses, and people everywhere.

On our first day, we wandered around and went to some street markets; we also tried some real Argentinean food. Let me just say these Argentineans know how to EAT!

From empanadas to Pizza, to Pasta everything just tastes better here. I can confidently say empanadas are probably my favorite food so far. They’re just so cute and yummy! 🙂  ( There will definitely be a post dedicated to food soon !)

Empanadas perfecto 🙂

Gnocchi Pasta with steak

Buenos Aires

Buenos Aires is definitely a unique city, the people are friendly and the sun is always shining, the food is great, and the coffee is even better 🙂

Let’s just say it was well worth the wait!