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Friday, December 24th, 2010

Ready, Set, Go!

Off to Argentina in two days
And my mind is in a haze
Excitement and fear ebb and flow
One after the other as I prepare to go

I am going to have a panic attack.  Two days from now, I will be on a plane going to Argentina. This will be my first time away from home for so long and I wouldn’t be surprised if I end up giving “Homesickness” its own page on this blog. In addition to be scared out of my mind, I am also super excited about experiencing a whole new culture.  I plan on eating large amounts of steak, tasting a little bit of wine, getting a tan, having long walks on the beach at sunset, and tangoing the night away. Oh and doing an entire year’s worth of coursework in sixteen days.  Whatever happens, this trip  is going to be the adventure of a lifetime!