
Posted by on Aug 13, 2009 in Uncategorized | No Comments

Graduate Teaching Fellow/Adjunct Instructor

Since my teaching career began in 2005, I have utilized a wide variety of digital tools (including WordPress, Blackboard, Facebook, YouTube, and iLife applications) in order to work towards my pedagogical goals. Working from a student-centric ethos, I select my classroom technologies according to the learning needs of my students, combined with the overall course objectives. What all of these tools have in common is their ability to promote a learning community that extends beyond the walls of the classroom, which is especially critical for the socialization of the first-year students that most populate composition courses. These platforms offer additional means of communication between students, promoting a friendly, open environment that is critical in creating a student-centered educational experience in which learners are more willing to engage in discussions, think collectively, and work collaboratively, skills critical to both academic and professional success.

The following are links to some course projects from my time as an adjunct instructor at BMCC and Queens College. Because some of my past course sites were hosted BlackBoard or on sites that are no longer in service, this is not a comprehensive list. Please contact me for permission to view private sites…

Borough of Manhattan Community College (2005)
Courses: EN 101: English Composition I

Queens College (2006-2009)
Courses: EN 110: Introduction to College Writing, EN 120W: Writing, Literature, and Culture, EN 150W: Introduction to Literary Studies, EN 211W: Writing Non-Fiction Prose, and EN 387: Literature and Politics

Spring 2007
• EN 110: Cyber Composition Blog
• EN 211W: Writing Non-Fiction Prose Blog

Fall 2007
• EN 110: Cyber Composition Blog

Spring 2008
EN 110: Cyber Composition Wiki
EN 110: Cyber Composition Blog
EN 387: Literature and Politics Blog

Fall 2008
EN 110: Cyber Composition Blog


Posted by on Aug 13, 2009 in Uncategorized | No Comments

Bio ImageJenny Kijowski is a Ph.D. candidate in English at The Graduate Center of The City University of New York, where she has a certificate in Film Studies and is working on a certificate in Interactive Technology & Pedagogy. She is also a Senior Instructional Technology Fellow (ITF) at central Macaulay Honors College, having formerly been an ITF at Brooklyn College. Prior to becoming an ITF, Jenny was a Graduate Teaching Fellow, through which she taught composition and literature courses at BMCC and Queens College, where she helped develop a Cyber Composition program. Her dissertation examines gender, nationalism and the literature of trauma. You can view her digital dissertation companion (in progress) at http://genderingtrauma.wordpress.com.

She lives in Brooklyn with her husband, two children (twins Nico and Luca), and another sort of child, a pit bull named Iggy.