ePortfolio Showcase

Posted by on Oct 23, 2009 in Uncategorized | No Comments

My friend and colleague, Lisa Brundage, also known as the Empress of Tech Fair, has a new ePortfolio showcasing ePortfolios (it’s very meta). She’s looking for the most interesting items, from entire sites to specific posts, so nominate something you’ve done yourself, nominate something a friend has done, or nominate your class’s blog! It’s easy to do. Just go to the MHC ePortfolio Showcase and click “Nominate a Post!”


Posted by on Sep 16, 2009 in random thoughts | No Comments

This is one of the coolest and most inspiring things I’ve ever seen. This graffiti artist, now paralyzed from Lou Gehrig’s disease, takes his art to a whole new level by creating digital graffiti…with his eyes. It will make you think twice the next time you want to complain about life being too hard. And it makes you wonder what technology will think of next…


(takes a minute or two to download, so be patient…)

To learn more, go here.

Fun with Photo Booth at Tech Day!

Posted by on Aug 26, 2009 in MHC Common Events, Uncategorized | One Comment

Here are some images from our “Fun with Photo Booth” contest at Tech Day. Students were asked to play with Photo Booth for 10 minutes, then send me their silliest image, which I displayed on our flatscreen. Each student then emailed me their top three favorites, and we ended up with a tie! Winners received a big bag of candy.

Click here for more images from Tech Day 2009. And here’s a video of the laptop distribution!

(I’ll add more photos as I receive permission from the students…so check back soon!)

Tech Day Handout

Posted by on Aug 24, 2009 in MHC Common Events, Resources | No Comments

Click here for a pdf of the outline handed out on Tech Day 2009:


a couple of explanations are in order…

Posted by on Aug 13, 2009 in random thoughts | No Comments

the image on the homepage is a random photo taken by my husband and i as we were driving through the fulton street mall area of brooklyn. if you look closely, you’ll see that there are about 67 street signs, the most prominent of which basically tell you not to turn left, not to turn right, not to go straight…remember when kramer found himself on 2nd and 2nd and thought it was the center of the universe? it was kind of like that.

and the ePort’s tagline is a reference to a David Bowie song, Bowie being my favorite of all time.