
December 18, 2012

Walking into the room that the play Ivanov was being shown, I couldn’t help but automatically draw comparisons to the other performing arts centers we were at. It seemed like this was a lot more similar to Spellbeamed’s setting, and not very much at all like Lincoln Center or Carnegie Hall. And, just to clarify, being like Spellbeamed isn’t a good thing. Thankfully, […]

Missa Solemnis

December 18, 2012

I rushed into Carnegie Hall at 7:27, not taking time to enjoy the beautiful structure I was entering. After all, Betthoven’s famous Missa Solemnis was set to begin at 7:30, and there was no late seating. I went up to the usher and fumbled in my pockets for my ticket. Only one problem: it wasn’t there. I […]


December 18, 2012

Bizarre. Odd. Confusing. Those are some of the words that were used to describe the Spellbeamed production on September eleventh. The avant-garde production featured an ensemble alternating between more traditional styles of music and….not so traditional styles of music. To go along with music, there were intermittent projections of seemingly random objects such as shoes and boxes as […]