Photos and whatnot

Yeah, haven’t posted in a while. Same excuse, not much has been happening. Have walked around a bit. Last week the Discovery of Paris class took a field trip to the Museum of Fashion. No photography inside the museum, of course. Took pictures of the building and garden and stuff:

Statue of Hercules and someone-or-other with some real classy graffiti.

Ooh, garden!

Guess what, you can see the Eiffel Tower from here too!

And other stuff:

Me + tree all flowery.

At the Place Vendome there was some kind of protest-y thing going on last weekend. Well, when I say “at the Place Vendome” what I mean is at the intersection of two streets a block away from the Place. You couldn’t really notice it for more than a block or two in any direction.

Lots of cops, seemed a bit overkill-ish really:

Managed to take a bit of video before my camera decided to die:

And speaking of video, this is from Sacre Coeur. Not the best quality on audio or video; suffice to say this involved some guy with a Spanish flag draped over his shoulders leading a sing-along of some song in English, which I forget at the moment.

Walked across the Jardins des Tuileries. Odd encounter on the way in with an older woman who stopped in front of me to bend down and pick up a big gold ring from the ground, and was asking if I thought it was really gold or something or other. Similar encounter with younger man at the other end of the park. His technique wasn’t as smooth; he just abruptly stopped and bent down and came up holding a ring, whereas she had glanced down at the ground for a split-second first. I presume this interaction, if pursued, would lead to Gullible Foreigner Losing Money in some manner or other. Not sure the exact process, have no desire to find out. Anyway, some pretty pictures from the gardens:
(huh. Didn’t notice those three guys being there. How rude of them. Ignore them and look at the lovely monuments)

Hey, they’ve got a pyramid! Who knew?
No more for today. Some lovely pictures of St-Denis totally grèved-out, which I’ll post over the weekend.

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