A Generally Random Post

This Thursday was not as all striked-out as previous ones have been. Everybody seems to be taking full advantage of the nice weather, which returned this week after a perfectly sucky Spring Break of rain and cold.

This, ladies and gentlemen, is a nice productive use of displaced tables and chairs.

This? Not so much with the productive, though very orderly. Probably put there by Maintenance after being found elsewhere. This is outside my Lit classroom, incidentally.

I was early for lit class and the door was locked. There was a class going on inside, I believe (usually they’re done well before we start; I tend to be early, since I have a 3-4 hour break between Grammar and Lit, so I know these things). While waiting, I decided for whatever reason to take pictures of the campus looking off into the distance. So here you go:

Also another little student-gathering-thingy:

And video of all this because they were also playing music which I felt I ought to capture. Naturally, it got mostly blurred out by the background noise:

And here’s students on a terrace playing hackeysack or Frisbee, I forget which. Naturally whatever they were tossing about went over the edge and one girl had to run down and get it.

I like this window open. Dunno why. Probably because this façade in general.

Here’s a sad little wannabe-barricade:

Went back to Sacré Coeur to get a decent night shot of the view. Of course, since it’s warm out now, there were tons more people than last time I was there at night. I did get a blurry Eiffel Tower, though. And it’s been too long that I went without posting an Eiffel Tower shot.

I was going to take a shot of the view of the dorms at night, from the top of the stairs to the northwest of sacré Couer, which really ought to look rather nice. But then I got distracted by the juxtaposition of the two overflowing trash-bag-can-things at the top of the stairs and the borderline cliché accordion music wafting up. Turns out there was a balding guy sitting halfway down the steps, about, playing the accordion. A half-dozen or so young people, college-age or a bit later, applauded from the balcony of an apartment. The whole thing would have felt a bit trite if it had been in a movie, but being all non-fiction-like it was rather entertaining. I’m always impressed by people playing the accordion. Like all organs, there’s just so many buttons, and you don’t even have your feet to work pedals or anything. Must be intense.

I plan to try to visit the Museum of Magic tomorrow. This is contingent on my getting up early enough to get my laundry done quickly, which is really the priority of the day, especially since last week one of the dryers was broken (I always thought it was a basic rule of laundry-room logistics that you put more dryers than washers, not less, but apparently not). And of course the beginning of the month means paying rent and renewing my Passe Navigo. And somehow I’ve managed to need to go grocery shopping on a Sunday again, which means going to the little Franprix that doesn’t give out bags, which means bringing my backpack… French scheduling-things makes life ever so logistically complicated.

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