Artsy London Pics

Colorful underpass.

Was intrigued by these statues. Went down to the level of the canal thingy there and noticed lots of other artsiness:

More statues!


Peek-through sculpture thingumy.

Another statue!

Them pig things again from another angle.

Kings Cross. Had work going on. I wandered about a bit before going to get my train at St. Pancras station, next door. There was work going on at platforms 9 and 10, and a helpful sign telling Harry Potter fans where to go to find the Platform 9 3/4 sculpture. I considered taking a picture. Of the sign, that is, not the sculpture. The sculpture would have been out of my way.

In other news, I’ve scheduled my checkout time for the dorm. It didn’t cross my mind that I would have to, until I got a letter to tat effect in my mailbox here. It seems that the dorms do not have sufficient staff to check out everyone on the day that their contracts expire, so they require students to make appointments for checkout, first come first serve. I suppose I should have seen that one coming, since the dorms are run essentially like a rather high-security apartment complex; there’s no RAs or anything, just the front-desk and cleaning staff. I was a bit annoyed, though. I knew they let people check out before the contracts expire; I didn’t know it would be required for some people. Logistics. Always fun, no?

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