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Early Blog Musings
I’m still experimenting on the format for this blog, but I doubt I’m going to keep it for only study abroad stuff. Although I might. Who knows? I’m probably also going to change the color scheme. I like this format better than the old one – the text is larger, and the format seems cleaner to me, but I tend to favor more color.
While I’m rambling about the structure, I thought it might be nice to explain the header and title. The header picture is a screencap from my current favorite TV series, Doctor Who. It’s a British show, about an alien called the Doctor who travels through space and time with human friends. The reason I love it so much is that it’s such a family show – no excessive sex or violence, but it’s still fun for adults as well as children.
Anyway, the picture is from an episode in the fifth series of the relaunch, and the two actors are Matt Smith (the eleventh actor to play the alien Doctor) and Karen Gillan, who plays Amy, one of the humans to travel with the Doctor. On the other side of the screen is the TARDIS, the time/space ship that the Doctor travels in. It resembles a 1960’s-era blue Police Box on the outside, but it’s far bigger on the inside.
The title of the blog, (which I’ve just changed from, “he said I was brilliant and I could change the world,” to, “there is so much more to see,” and will probably change on a whim) is taken from a song called “An Awful Lot of Running” by Chameleon Circuit. The band is the first of a self-made genre called, “Time Lord Rock,” which is a direct reference to Wizard Rock. Wizard Rock was started by fans of Harry Potter, and basically refers to music and bands that write and perform songs based on the Harry Potter books and movies and fandom. Time Lord Rock (Trock) is the exact same idea, but for Doctor Who fans.
Also, for posterity, here is a screencap of my blog as it looks as I write this post.