
On Wednesday, October 3rd, we went to see the opera, Turandot, in lieu of having a class. I’d never been to an opera before and I’d also never even been to Lincoln Center, so I was definitely excited to take in all my surroundings. The place was absolutely beautiful and full of life, with people bustling about everywhere.

Once the opera started, the beautiful singing kept me engaged with the story. I was very impressed with all of the actors’ and actresses’ talent. Their voices were amazing. The orchestra played very well, complementing the singing perfectly. I noticed how the highs and lows of the story were accented by the music played by the orchestra. However, as impressed as I was with the singing, I didn’t really like the story itself. It just felt very impractical to me; I know it was written centuries ago, so to have expected it to be something more modern would have been outrageous, but regardless, I found it extremely hard to relate to and I just didn’t really enjoy it.

All in all, however, it was a worthwhile experience. I found the place breathtaking and I truly appreciated the music in the opera. I don’t think I ever expected to be able to say this, but I would definitely like to go back and watch another opera at some point in the future.