Epiphany- 10/10

It was really difficult for me to come up with a topic for this response.  In my prior blog entries, there was always a topic or an idea that I wanted to write about.  Thankfully, while I was thinking about something to write, I had an epiphany.

During class, Professor Sirotta brought up something interesting before he gave his lecture about variations of music, his epiphany.  He spoke of his first memory of listening to music, back when he was five years old. The professor said that he remembered listening to an older family member sing a Jewish folk song.  In all honesty, I thought he was stretching the truth but just a few minutes before I started writing this response, I believed him.

While I was thinking about a topic for my response, I looked through my class notes and mentally ran down all my memories of the class.  I cannot say for sure but I believe my brain established some sort of a connection between Professor’s Sirotta’s talk about his epiphany and my own first memory of listening to music.  I visualized myself sitting on a floor and in front of a television with my back laying against the bottom portion of a couch. I was watching The Lion King, specifically the beginning part in which, Circle of Life, was playing.  I cannot recall exactly how old I was but the room I was in throughout the visualization was in my old Russian apartment.  I was probably either 5 or 6 years old, around the age the professor was in his epiphany.

I am so thankful for this response, it let me reminisce about a significant moment in my life.  Hopefully, the next response will have a similar outcome.