
This past Wednesday, we watched Woody Allen’s Manhattan in class.  I thought that the absence of color in the movie sophisticates New York city and gives it a feeling of antiquity.  The camera also served an interesting role in the film.  We sometimes saw the characters from far away, and there were times when we were unable to hear what they were saying. For example,when Ike was touring the city with his son, music was playing in the background and the dialogue was blocked.  The camera focused on them through the store window and showed the two arguing over toy boats.  This gives the audience a sense that the characters are just one of millions of people in New York.  The characters and their problems are really unimportant; we are just getting a glimpse into typical New York life, but these people can be exchanged with any New Yorker.  This is further accomplished with the still camera shots of New York between scenes.  The city is huge and scandals are common.

One thought on “11/21

  1. Penina, please browse through the entries of your classmates and then amplify your blog entry accordingly. You haven’t written in enough detail.

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