Sundays, October 15th, to be exact, are my favorite days. Squat and Deadlift days. My true passion. I began powerlifting my senior year of high school and was always so troubled with my strength. In only 6 months I turned my dream into a reality. Entering in 3 competitions and hoping to make a presence in Raw Nationals in 2018. I wear these AdiPowers almost every day at the gym and I’ve done nothing but destroy them. Literal blood, sweat and very minimal tears have drop down to these holy grails. They push me every day to lift double my body weight on my legs and almost three times my bodyweight off the ground. They were passed down to me from an Olympic Lifter that I look up too and get trained by to this day. For Anson, I plan on making it to Nationals and then better yet, Worlds where I’ll prove myself and hopefully make him and everyone who supports me proud.
© 2017 kevinhasa