Original post: http://macaulayhunterblog.blogspot.com/2010/01/3rd-molar-extraction.html

Well first of all, it’s nice to see that there’s someone else out there who didn’t enjoy Avatar, since my friends seem to think expressing anything but awe and amazement at the movie is blasphemous.

Second of all, I have absolutely nothing exciting to report, because approximately a week ago I got my wisdom teeth removed.

Not to scare anyone who hasn’t had them out, but it was much worse than I expected. Despite the repeated assurances by medicial professionals that it’s a safe common procedure (which it is), it really is a surgery, and it can take alot out of you. I literally didn’t leave my couch for days unless it was to use the bathroom.

My advice: get your wisdom teeth out as soon as your dentist tells you to, and if it’s not a school break, anticipate missing some school (maybe you’ll be lucky, and recuperate in two days, but you know the old adage: ‘prepare for the worst’). Don’t wait until one of them starts coming in, causing excruciating pain, or you’ll end up like me – sleepy well before midnight on New Years Eve, holding a bag of frozen peas to your face.

Here’s hoping you all had a better New Year than I did 🙂