Hello Readers! I’ve been back in our grand city for about two days now, and I promise, I will post about my last three days in Sydney ASAP. But while you wait, here’s an interesting tidbit about Australian cuisine.

For the most part, what you’ll find in Australian eateries and restaurants is what you’d find in the US. A variety of foods, with no real ‘national’ cuisine. The big difference, however, is the availability of Kangaroo meat (and Wallaby and crocodile, but to a lesser extent). During our first week in Australia, we tried Wallaby pie and crocodile pie. While the crocodile was especially disgusting, I can’t say the wallaby tasted much better.

However, we did order a dish at the local Thai food place that had Kangaroo meet on one of our last days in Geelong, and it was quite good.

On our first day at Deakin, we were told about Vegemite by the head of the international students office, who said it was – and I quote – “quite good”.

We tried it a few days later. I think our reaction to this spread speaks for itself:

Photo Credit: Debby Lee

However, Australia redeemed itself, at it is home to Tim Tams – the most delicious chocolate biscuit cookies on the planet.

Photo Credit: Debby Lee

My friends and I all stuffed tons of boxes into our suitcases to bring home as souvenirs. The best way to eat a Tim Tam is by doing a Tim Tam Slam – check out an instruction video here:

Video of Tim Tam Slam
