Original post: http://macaulayhunterblog.blogspot.com/2010/01/4321.html

School starts in four days. Just four days!
I’m actually really excited.
The break was awesome, and I’m sure I’ll be remembering it longingly in not too long, but I’m looking forward to getting back to a more structured, productive existence.

Not that my break was completely unproductive. I did get to see my family alot, see old friends from high school a bunch, and read some books for pure pleasure. I also got a few hours of community service in at an organization called Donors Choose – as the daughter of a teacher who has benefited greatly from this organization, it was pretty satisfying being able to help them out, and I hope to go back and do some more volunteering.

Last but not least, I started, and for the most part finished, my opportunities fund application to study abroad this summer! The Hunter German department runs a study abroad in Kassel, Germany that I’m hoping to take advantage of.

So just what is this Spring schedule that I’m so excited about?

ENG 300 Creative Writing
-A requirement for all upper level English classes. I satisfied my basic English requirements with my AP English scores, and since I missed having an English class last term this was a must have.
-I took German 103 last term; 103 is basically 101+102 combined, so you can probably guess that 203 is 201+202 combined! And you can also probably guess that since I want to study abroad in Germany, I’m taking German because I love it!
CHC 150 The Peopling of New York
This semester’s required seminar, which looks just as exciting as last semester’s Arts in New York seminar.
ENG – Sexuality and American Culture
I guess after being in English withdrawal last term, I just had to take 2 English classes!
I saw it on the honors class list, thought the reading list had some great stuff on it, found the topic interesting…so I signed up!