Category: MacBlog
Crossing My Fingers for a Snow Day
| February 9, 2010 | 11:57 AM | MacBlog | Comments closed

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So today was a pretty typical day in the life of a Macaulay student: woke up, went to MHC 150: The Peopling of New York, ran to catch the crosstown bus to the Macaulay building for my Sexuality and American Culture class, after which I just headed down one flight of stairs to the Executive in Residence dinner and discussion with Sy Sternberg on leadership.

MHC 150 is still in the introductory phase; for the past couple of weeks we worked with finding good articles/books on a topic, i.e. how to research. I think this is actually really helpful for a lot of students, I personally came into college never really having done a serious research paper, but as I had to do one last term for my honors history class, I’ve already figured most of this stuff out. I’m looking forward to going more in depth about the neighborhood my class is focusing on – Greenwich Village.

As for Sexuality in American Culture, today we discussed the first reading, which came from the History of Sexuality by Michael Foucault. For those of you who don’t know who that is (I didn’t before this class) he’s a French philosopher (although his work is used throughout the humanities, as his ideas and writing is somewhat interdisciplinary). The work was dense, and hard to read, and even harder to understand and I felt way in over my head – yet somehow the 2.5 hour class flew by – Professor Quinby is great at relating and explaining ideas, and I was reassured as most of the class seemed to have at least a little bit of trouble understanding the text. Our next class, we’re visiting the Museum of Sexuality, which isn’t too far from the dorms but I’ve never been. I’m excited!

Finally, I ended my evening on the high point – a great lecture/discussion by Sy Sternberg as always, and a delicious (again, as always) dinner provided by Macaulay.

Now if only they would cancel school for tomorrow…everything would be perfect!

| January 23, 2010 | 11:58 AM | MacBlog | Comments closed

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School starts in four days. Just four days!
I’m actually really excited.
The break was awesome, and I’m sure I’ll be remembering it longingly in not too long, but I’m looking forward to getting back to a more structured, productive existence.

Not that my break was completely unproductive. I did get to see my family alot, see old friends from high school a bunch, and read some books for pure pleasure. I also got a few hours of community service in at an organization called Donors Choose – as the daughter of a teacher who has benefited greatly from this organization, it was pretty satisfying being able to help them out, and I hope to go back and do some more volunteering.

Last but not least, I started, and for the most part finished, my opportunities fund application to study abroad this summer! The Hunter German department runs a study abroad in Kassel, Germany that I’m hoping to take advantage of.

So just what is this Spring schedule that I’m so excited about?

ENG 300 Creative Writing
-A requirement for all upper level English classes. I satisfied my basic English requirements with my AP English scores, and since I missed having an English class last term this was a must have.
-I took German 103 last term; 103 is basically 101+102 combined, so you can probably guess that 203 is 201+202 combined! And you can also probably guess that since I want to study abroad in Germany, I’m taking German because I love it!
CHC 150 The Peopling of New York
This semester’s required seminar, which looks just as exciting as last semester’s Arts in New York seminar.
ENG – Sexuality and American Culture
I guess after being in English withdrawal last term, I just had to take 2 English classes!
I saw it on the honors class list, thought the reading list had some great stuff on it, found the topic interesting…so I signed up!

3rd Molar Extraction
| January 9, 2010 | 12:00 PM | MacBlog | Comments closed

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Well first of all, it’s nice to see that there’s someone else out there who didn’t enjoy Avatar, since my friends seem to think expressing anything but awe and amazement at the movie is blasphemous.

Second of all, I have absolutely nothing exciting to report, because approximately a week ago I got my wisdom teeth removed.

Not to scare anyone who hasn’t had them out, but it was much worse than I expected. Despite the repeated assurances by medicial professionals that it’s a safe common procedure (which it is), it really is a surgery, and it can take alot out of you. I literally didn’t leave my couch for days unless it was to use the bathroom.

My advice: get your wisdom teeth out as soon as your dentist tells you to, and if it’s not a school break, anticipate missing some school (maybe you’ll be lucky, and recuperate in two days, but you know the old adage: ‘prepare for the worst’). Don’t wait until one of them starts coming in, causing excruciating pain, or you’ll end up like me – sleepy well before midnight on New Years Eve, holding a bag of frozen peas to your face.

Here’s hoping you all had a better New Year than I did 🙂

Frohe Weihnachten!
| December 26, 2009 | 12:01 PM | MacBlog | Comments closed

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Ahhh Christmas. A Wii for my dorm room (YAY!) DVDs, and Zoombinis Logical Journey (possibly the best computer game ever and I now have a version that actually works on my laptop). And of course, I’ve been compulsively checking esims to see if any more of my grades have been posted (they haven’t). Crossing my fingers that my last two will be as good as the first two!

Enjoy your break – I certainly will! I don’t even know what to do with myself until January 28th, but that’s kind of a nice feeling.

Hope your holidays are as good as mine!


| December 10, 2009 | 12:02 PM | MacBlog | Comments closed

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The term has ended.
Yes, there are still some folk with Friday classes, and I still have a CHC project to do and two finals to study for – but classes themselves, are over.

Today I handed in my massive 20-something page history paper and did my final scene for acting class. It was so satisfying to hand in the paper; I really put alot of effort and time into it and was very happy with the finished project. It’s pretty much affirmed my desire to be a history major.

I will however, miss history class. For any future Macaulay students out there, if you get a chance to take Salzman, do it! There’s alot of reading and a couple of papers (for the Civil Rights and Civil Liberties class) and he really challenges you – but in my book those are good things. I honestly came out of the class knowing alot more than when I came in, and having new perspectives on things I did know.

Off to celebrate having made it through my first term in college!

Thanksgiving and Turkey
| November 26, 2009 | 12:03 PM | MacBlog | Comments closed

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Happy Thanksgiving everyone! It’s nice to be back at home, even if home (Brooklyn) is only an hour away 🙂 I’ve had a really great week –

Sunday was the opening day of the Tim Burton exhibit at the MoMA, and I went to see a couple of Tim Burton movies with a friend from Macaulay @ Baruch (we met during freshman orientation). Although we couldn’t see the exhibit itself because it was so crowded, CUNY students get into the MoMA for free, so we’ll definitely be going back at a later date. The movies were great – Frankenweenie and Ed Wood.

Monday I finally figured out what I want to take next term, so I’m all set to register on Tuesday – I’ll let you guys know what classes I’m taking when my schedule is finalized.

I have no classes on Tuesday, so I spent the day working on my term paper for my honors history class (Civil Rights and Civil Liberties). It’s hard work, but I’m interested in it and I feel like I made alot of progress, which is satisfying.

I decided to make my break six days instead of four by taking Wednesday off – I haven’t missed a class yet, so I figured I could get away with it. I spent yesterday meeting up with friends from high school and then partied with them last night 🙂 I headed home this morning and now I’m about to enjoy a delicious Thanksgiving meal.

Still so much work to do, and only a couple of weeks left in the term! Time has flown by.

Schönen Feiertag wünsche ich Ihnen!

Free Food
| November 16, 2009 | 12:06 PM | MacBlog | Comments closed

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Hey guys – I just recently got back from the Executive in Residence with Sy Sternberg. Tonight’s discussion was about the economy, and it was as lively and thought provoking as this year’s earlier Executive in Residence discussion on health care. However, the best part is the free dinner! If no one’s said it yet, Macaulay always has great food at its events.

Macaulay plug!
| November 12, 2009 | 12:10 PM | MacBlog | Comments closed

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Good morning everyone! TGIT! (I love not having Friday classes). Today I’m up early to meet with my history professor and show him my preliminary work on my term paper about the ERA. Then I have History, German, a nice long lunch break, and Acting. Tonight I’ll be going to see Curse of a Starving Class at Hunter for my CHC (aka Macaulay Honors Seminar) Art’s in New York. Yesterday I actually had my CHC class, and my professor brought in some amazing opera singers to perform for us personally, which was pretty cool to say the least. Then I went to an event at Macaulay – a panel discussion on “Reading in the Digital Age” which was also pretty cool. There weren’t that many Macaulay kids there (most events are Macaulay students only, this was one of those exceptions), so I ended up talking to someone in the publishing business during the “cocktails” before the actual panel discussion. Who knows, maybe that contact will come in handy someday. Macaulay is always hosting interesting events; on Monday I’m going to a dinner discussion about the economy with Sy Sternberg, who did a similar event on health care earlier in the year that I went to. Even if none of these events sound like they’d appeal to you, there’s tons more – if you want to see a sampling, click here.

Anyway, enough Macaulay plugs, I’m off to school 🙂

| October 22, 2009 | 12:11 PM | MacBlog | Comments closed

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Yay freshmen! I’m Kaitlyn, Class of 2013, completely undecided about my major (except it definitely won’t be math or any kind of science). I love reading and writing and rock band – nice alliteration eh? No, I’m not Canadian. I’m Brooklyn born and raised, and I can’t wait to continue talking about myself.

TGIT! (No Friday classes for me :D)

PS – Since Chevy (Chevon) hasn’t introduced himself yet, I’ll give you guys a preview – he’s Jamaican and awesome. ’nuff said.