Here is how to create a blog post (using the Lions assignment as an example):

Go to the “Dashboard” for our course site

Then click on “Posts”>”Add New”

The next step is SUPER IMPORTANT: Select the appropriate category. Scroll down on the right and choose one of the Blog Post numbers. If you do not do this, we won’t see the post and you won’t receive credit.

Give your post a title. Don’t include your name or just “Blog Post 1.” Come up with something interesting. Then write your post into the content area. To add a photo, choose “Add Media,” and then you can upload  a photo from your laptop. To get a photo from your phone to your laptop, you can either email it to yourself, or if you have an iPhone, you can use “AirDrop.”

It is best to compose your post directly in ePortfolios, rather than copying and pasting from Microsoft Word. If you do compose elsewhere and copy/paste into the post, switch to “text” instead of “visual” first. This will avoid weird formatting issues.

Save your post a number of times throughout the process, otherwise you’ll lose it.

When you are finished, double check that you have selected the correct category.

Then click the green “Publish” button.

If you have questions, email Jake.