
The artist of this artwork is Francois-Hubert Drouais who created this piece in 1758. This beautiful illustration was created by oil on a canvas. Francois-Hubert Drouais was born in France and was famous during his time and produced works for clients such as the French’s royal family. Some of his most accomplished artworks are “Family Portrait”, “Madame de Pompadour at her Tambour Frame”, and “Portrait of a Young Women as a Vestal Virgin”. Francois-Hubert Drouais was best known for his portraits especially of little children.


The dog in this piece immediately grasped my attention. The dog was more realistic than the little boys in my opinion. The hair that was hanging off the dog’s arm and its floppy ears made the dog’s fur look very realistic. The color resembles what a real dog looks like. The dog does not have emphasized body parts but his eyes tell a story. The dog is looking up to a young boy and I viewed the dog as upset. With the paw in the boy’s hand, the dog looks at the boy and seems to be begging for attention. While the boys look at the painter and point to the box the dog remains focused on the boy. The dog’s main priority is the boy and it seems like nothing could distract him. The boys seem very distracted and the dog is their last concern which is why the dog is upset. This painting seems like a mimesis and Francois-Hubert Drouais was trying to recreate what was right in front of his eyes. The boys, the setting, and the dog are all extremely realistic and the artist had great skill in order to produce this artwork. My reaction towards the piece is it was beautifully executed and shows the dog and the boys’ relationship while being a mimesis.