• The name is of the exhibit is called Terracotta Oinochoe. Although this exhibit is not necessarily a painting, the creditor for this exhibit goes to Joseph Pulitzter Bequest in 1946. According to the description of the exhibit, it is being taken place roughly during 520 B.C. In the exhibit it conveys the message of Pelueus, the future father of the hero Achilles, cowering over the treetop. This story is being depicted by Pelus being treed by a lion and a boar. The texture of this artifact is looked as if it is comprised of ceramic or porcelain material which has a glossy finish.
  • When I first witnessed this exhibit, my eyes are naturally gravitated towards the texture of the porcelain/ceramic material. My eyes follow the tint of black throughout the side of the jug. When my eyes start to shift downward, the lion itself is very textured, to the point where the fur of the lion comes off as a  jagged spear like figure. Immediately there is a sense of aggression and sharpness that is found in the lion. The animal is sat in a pouncing position, as if it was ready to attack the inhabitants of the tree. When you look at the tree specifically, the tree is depicted as very thin and fragile. The leaves are that of mere dots and ironically not much texture is being put into it compared to the lion. The only points of texture are given in the lions maine and the hairs sticking out of its body. Overall, the texture and the figure of the lion jumps out to the viewer of this artifact. The painter is shown to emphasize the mouth of the lion being opened wide, the body being ready in attack position, as the hair of the lion is shaved in certain parts of the body. The eyes are shown to be opened wide as if the lion has an objective in mind. There is a very intricate pattern that follows below the lion, acting as a pathway or a “floor” for the art. It is closed off by another intricate pattern acting as the “ceiling.” These patterns resemble a starting and finishing point to the work of art. Overall this lion came off as an aggressive animal but has a very mythical tone to it. The sharp style of the artwork comes off as very magical and reminds me of ancient writings and drawings. There is an underlying tone to this work of art that is contributed by the subtle choices of the artist including certain shadows and the cream and the distinct light to dark color choices.