Pick two (or more) galleries from your gallery crawl. If possible, these should be markedly distinct from each other. For instance, one might be a “white cube” of the kind described by O’Doherty—clean, spare, blank—whereas another might have colorful or jumbled walls. One might be dedicated to photography; the other to sculpture. One might be jam-packed with pictures; another displaying one canvas per wall. One might be large and museum-like, filled with myriad works by famous artists; the other might be an “upper-floor” gallery, showing a single artist’s work.

Once you have picked your galleries, write a 500-word (or more) reflective essay answering the following question: How does gallery space affect the viewer’s experience of individual works of art? Use specific examples from each of your chosen galleries to demonstrate your points—examples of particular works of art, and of how the space of the gallery affects these artwork’s aesthetic impact. NOTE: Always include specifics—gallery name and location; artist’s name and artwork’s title—when discussing your examples.

Include at least two photographs as illustration.

NOTE: Since you traveled in groups, it’s fine if you write on the same galleries, or even the same artworks, as your peers.