For this blog post, you will record some of your reactions to reading Barthes’ text. Please post:

  • One passage from Part One that you would like to talk about in depth in class, for any reason. Let us know where this appears (include the page number) and type out the passage (or, if it’s very long, include language like “the long paragraph beginning with the wrods…”). Write a few sentences about why you chose this passage: does it seem crucial to the argument? Is it confusing to you, but feels important? Or is it NOT confusing—does it help you, as a reader, understand the text more generally?
  • One passage from Part Two that you would like to talk about in depth in class, for any reason. Same deal.
  • One question about Camera Lucida that you think might spark a strong class discussion.
  • An image—any image! This can be a photo you took at Night at the Museum, or a photograph that you think pairs well with the reading. Be creative, have fun.
  • OPTIONAL: Include a map of Part Two of Camera Lucida (see Prof Kolb’s map of part one for a model)

Finally: Prior to class, please COMMENT on at least two of your classmates’ posts. Have a discussion! (Do not comment on a post that already has 3+ comments, unless you cannot find one with fewer).