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Never Ending Tracks #Brightonbeach :Axel Tolpina

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With the coming of dawn, the people slowly fill the platforms,
Looking at the rise of the beaming sun and the gleaming sky,
Looking at my shadow extend south under the rusty roof, looking at the never-ending tracks that carry us on this journey,
Looking beyond and seeing the glistening trains,
The scent of morning dew, the haze on the buildings, the sweet chirps of the winged neighbors,
The rumbling as trains run along the tracks, the screeching as it pulls to a stop, the quick footsteps of passengers exchanging paths,
We share the same space but yet far from being intimate,
What are the chances we cross each other again?
Some are in a rush,
Some are in no hurry and sit back to watch the rushing stops,
Some are sleeping with heads against the poles and walls,
Some are reading in their bubble,
Some are tapping to the beat within their headphones,
Just as any of you, beneath the flickering lights I stand as one of the crowd,
The sun gives way to the silver moon, the beautiful reddish sunset,
Day after day, night after night, the station stays bustling and lively, in the city that never sleeps: New York City.