Credit to Danny Gurvich

I walk down a busy New York City street with my best friend by my side

I see ton of cars, long buses, and yellow taxis sitting at the traffic lights,

I see buildings all around me almost able to touch the sky,

I see the park across the street, filled with plants and trees.


I walk with my best friend who happens to be a dog,

He is small, brown, and has curly hair,

He is interested in the city similar to I, and loves to trot around the neighborhood blocks,

He is nice and friendly and wants to make friends with anyone he walks by,

He is curious of the smell in the air and often needs to be pulled on his leash to continue our walk.


I love seeing the community and all the different people I encounter,

There are business people dressed up in suits and ties,

There are musicians playing guitars, drums, or even the saxophone,

There are construction workers, working hard in the early hours,

There are college students making the commute to school.


It’s a nice cool fall day that everyone is enjoying,

My dog would stay out all day if he could, sadly we must return home,

My dog wants to run around the park and make new friends,

My dog wants to explore New York City.

I wish I was my dog and had no responsibilities,

I wish I was my dog and could sit inside, play with toys, and sleep for as long as I wanted.


Everyone around us is on their phone or has earphones in,

Are they texting their parents, friends, or loved ones,

Are they listening to music, is it jazz, rap, or hip hop,

Are they reading newspapers or emails,

I am not on my phone.

Where is everyone going?

I think they are going to work for day and won’t return until the night,

I they are tourists just admiring what the city has to offer.


Walking my dog allows me to appreciate my surroundings.

I refresh my head and plan out my day.

Although I do it for my dog this helps me, it’s how I get prepared for whatever the day throws my way.