I watch the sunrise when nights are sleepless, 

But I am not the only one. 


The naive girl who thinks excessively, 

The distracted boy who plays violent videogames endlessly, 

The attentive father who cares for his newborn nightly, 

The artistic boy who awaits the sun curiously, 

The adorable baby who cries endlessly, 

The young couple who talk about everything and nothing excitedly,  

The sick child who squirms in bed restlessly, 

The teenage girls who gossip incessantly, 


The wealthy executive who should not have eaten that sushi willingly, 

The sad boy who neglects getting help stubbornly, 

The diligent student who procrastinates regularly, 

The young immigrant who makes an international call to his family eagerly, 

The caring mother who awaits her teenage son’s arrival anxiously, 

The old man who curses his loud neighbors aggressively, 

The college student who takes a picture for a class tiredly, 

Each watches the sunrise when nights are sleepless. 


The apartments differ and the people differ and the reasons differ, 

Yet the yellow and orange and red and blue reflect off every surface, 

And into the comforting homes behind each window, 

And we are all connected by one thing: 

We all watch the sunrise when nights are sleepless.