Down Down Down, tunnels deepen through the bed of strong granite rock

Tunnels connected to tunnels bringing life to darkness 

Rich and poor, old and young traverse these barren halls of another century

Rumbling, twisting and turning, huge metal machines cut through the bed of strong granite rock


A mother clings to her child on a barren platform among the noise

A man in a suit types away at his device, without a look around

A homeless man shakes a small coffee cup filled with jingling change

All alike, waiting, waiting, waiting for a rumbling metal machine to roll in


Head by head, they march on, like ants 

Packed like sardines into an unknowing and strange metal can

Hands touching metal and seats filled with people, this machine knows no empty space 

We all have one purpose, one mission, one destination: out 

Stumbling and shoving to the front huge metal doors open up revealing another barren hall of the past

A mother, A suited man, and a homeless man, together shuffle out; herd going to the grass

For an instant paths intertwined, different yet the same


But once the metal machines rumblings came to an end, so are the paths of these city residents

Each with their own lives, so complicated and quick

Never consider the fellow who they are riding with

Sprawling tunnels, down, down, down under the ground, endless and divine.

 The City’s heart beats with the tunnels, sounding a rumbling tone