It is not orange nor yellow

It blends with the clouds and touches the shore

As soon as you look at it, you are blinded

As soon as you try to touch it, your hand ripples away with the waves

As soon as you brush through it, your hand flies away with the wind


It is not blue nor white

It crashes against the rocks and carries off into the distance

As soon as you touch it, you feel the tranquility of the Earth

As soon as you step in it, you are carried away with its oscillations

As soon as you drink it, your body feels its essence


It is not brown nor black

It sits at the shore, disturbing the flow

As soon as you touch it, you feel a prick

As soon as you step on it, your foot cries in pain

As soon as you sit on it, you breathe a sigh of relief


It is not white nor gray

It flows in the sky creating a dark shadow

As soon as you see it, you remember the fluffy pillow on your bed

As soon as you jump towards it, it pushes you back down

As soon as you feel a raindrop, you look up and curse it


It is God’s stunning creation

It surrounds you wherever you go

As soon as you see it, you stop to take it all in

As soon as you see it, you want to take a picture

As soon as you see it, you muse about its allure

