Prof. Laura Kolb | Fall 2019 | Baruch College

Save The Planet


Erasure Poem:


1 Comment

  1. SophiaK

    The original statement of Donald Trump, that you selected, conveys the message of the dangers of U.S participation in the Paris Agreement. Trump highlights that the Paris Agreement works against the U.S. economy by causing issues in the employment and traditional energy industries. Not only this, but he also addresses that this agreement opens the door for other countries to have an influence on the social and political situations in the United States. He displays his dissatisfaction with the agreement, summarizes the possible threats, and ends with a call to action of focusing on the United States itself.
    Christian, your erasure poem displays a complete opposite message, that challenges the original document. You blocked the original message and portrayed that climate change is actually occurring and that it is great danger unlike the Paris Agreement. The first line, “The climate will pose serious obstacles for the United States,” from the start, warns the reader that the withdrawal from the Paris Agreement is a mistake. In order to combat climate change, your second line emphasizes the role America has in this process. You show that America has the opportunity, resources, and most importantly and obligation to save the planet. I like how you kept the last line from the original statement, “Thank you very much,” in your erasure poem. It adds sarcasm and irony to the original statement, causing criticism to the original decision made.
    Additionally, your illustration underlines the seriousness and importance of what you are trying to say. First of all, the color red is usually a signal of danger and war. The color serves as a warning that what is discussed in the poem is of high importance, and climate change has severe consequences. The flame that you illustrated around your poem, grabs attention. It also acts as a reminder of all the fires in California that are occurring because of climate change right now. You combined the artistic element with the poem to depict a warning of the dangers of climate change as well as a motivation for the United States to change that.
    Overall, I enjoyed your erasure poem. You did a great job of contrasting the original statement and your work which created a stronger impact on the reader. The visuals that you had complimented your poem and made it more bold, vivid, and effective.

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