Dear Students –

Hope you all a great time at the opera!!

It was great to come to class on Tuesday and have a chance to talk about STEAM, and hear your initial (and great) ideas about your public-facing projects!
There are a few pieces of information that I wanted to share with you:
1, Open studios at Pratt Institute, where several of my students will be showing their work, is this Saturday. It’s free and you may find a lot of inspiration for your projects. More info here.
2.  Here are some images from the works (mostly books!)  produced by students last year. *I can only keep these pictures available for a week, please don’t share them.
3. I’m also including the work created by students in a non-STEAM affiliated course that I thought would be very useful, particularly because the focus is mapping! See here.  * I can only keep these pictures available for a week, please don’t share them.
4.  If you’re using printed photos in your project, Macaulay could print them for you.  Scheduling is dictated by the days allocated to poster printing for Seminar 3. Please contact Dr. Nadler at to make sure she can reserve you a slot.
I had it on one of my slides, but forgot to say that when registering for your slot to participate in STEAM, you must do so as a group. Please DO NOT register individually.  Note also that re Registration will open Nov. 18; the sooner you register, the more likely you will get your preferred schedule.
Look forward to seeing you Tuesday.