1) Diya Vanjani and Hongying Wu are in this group.
2) We are planning to make a poetry book with about 10 poems based on the theme of love. Love is a broad topic that everyone can relate to. Everyone experiences “love” in one way or another, whether it’s love for their family, partner or even pets. Each poem will be handwritten in ink with some type of visual aid or drawing to go along with it. Each visual art will provide a better understanding of the poetry itself and will add to the color of the poetry book. The handwriting allows the audience to closely observe our artwork as our own instead of typed ones. Our unique handwriting is hard to mimic and this allows this piece of work to shine even more among others. We were planning to buy a wooden book and just carve the cover with the title and our names. This semester we have read poetry including Walt Whitman’s, and even experimented by writing our own poems based on Walt Whitman’s style. We were introduced to erasure poetry and created our own erasure poetry based on any piece of writing. For this project, Hongying and I have decided to use our creative thinking and freely write about anything under one common theme. We are not using anyone’s styles or poems; we are writing our own and I think this will really allow us to think and also give us a lot of space to creatively write about anything that comes to our minds.
3) At this point, we are thinking about leaving the book on the table in the front and allowing people to look through it and feel its texture. Our cover, pages, and writing will all have different textures and fonts and allowing people to interact with this will be an important part of our project. Our poems are obviously the most important part of the book and they will be standing out on the pages, trying to catch the readers’ attention and make them want to thoroughly look through them. We might also make a small poster just to tell spectators what is at our table because a book lying in the front might not be visible to people that are not right in front of it. Another idea for display is a popup poetry book. Each page has its unique design base on the poem and each appeal differently to the audience. As for the paper, we will soak it in tea bags and burn it to add to the aesthetic vintage look. The reason to carve the book cover is adding to the touch for the reader. When picking up a book, the first thing we feel is the cover. Having indents on the cover page adds to the texture. We might or might not bind the book depending on how the book cover fits the pages in the book. If all goes well, there will be no need to bind the book because each poem is unique to itself; however, if the pages will fall out then we will take the last resort to bind the book.
- Book cover $6.49 (option 1), $10.99 (option 2)
- Wood carving tools- $8.99(just in case the other one is sold out), ( $5.99 for the second one but only one left in stock)
- https://www.amazon.com/Carving-Sculpting-Engraving-Vegetables-Beginners/dp/B07RP7PMLM/ref=sr_1_11?keywords=wood+carving+tools&qid=1573427023&s=arts-crafts&sr=1-11
- https://www.amazon.com/Poualss-Whetstones-Beginners-Experienced-Handmade/dp/B07GP3H4F4/ref=sr_1_19?keywords=wood+carving+tools&qid=1573427273&refinements=p_36%3A2638326011&rnid=2638325011&s=arts-crafts&sr=1-19
- Ink pen – $4.49( option 1), $7.89( option 2)
- https://www.staples.com/Pilot-Varsity-Fountain-Pens-Medium-Point-Blue-90011/product_499251?cid=PS:GooglePLAs:499251&ci_src=17588969&ci_sku=499251&KPID=499251&gclid=CjwKCAiAh5_uBRA5EiwASW3Iahv5uIqii32082YXoUzz-PL0kvEDb992Jv1wpOyIRSq–baObCnouhoC8jIQAvD_BwE
- https://www.google.com/shopping/product/11764640207454167866?lsf=seller:469699,store:781412188744787935&prds=oid:16983405739440173198&q=fountain+pen&hl=en&ei=PpzIXe2pM-m3ggfYn5iIAw&lsft=gclid:CjwKCAiAh5_uBRA5EiwASW3Iarrp-OYMC9hHz2THzSX_sC8YpwqKfo0gR4vPMiUs8D3R-xdiHz7zXhoCwFEQAvD_BwE
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