General Information: Made in the year 2000 using wood, epoxy resin, polymer clay, plaster, enamel paint, and gold leaf.

Fat Friend By Mark Fletcher and Tobias Meyer

When viewing Fat Friend by Mark Fletcher and Tobias Meyer, the viewer is starstruck by the piece itself. But, instead of analyzing the details hidden throughout the work of art, one begins to wonder what it all means. The provocative title of the artwork “Fat Friend”, also adds to the rush of finding out what it all truly means, thus this work entirely constitutes conceptual art.

Fat Friend By Mark Fletcher and Tobias Meyer

After much thought and internal debate, the message or idea the artwork is trying to express is the health effects of being overweight and or obese. The artwork expresses this idea by abstractly implementing organs affected by obesity and being overweight, into the artwork. When doing a 360° look around the artwork, one may notice that pieces of the artwork resemble human organs. The back of the artwork has a gigantic heart shaped piece made out of polymer clay and plaster. This enlarged heart may symbolize the actual condition that affects people in the real world. Also, one of the main causes of having an enlarged heart is high blood pressure or coronary artery disease. Both of these are common side effects of being overweight and or obese. There are also two gold leaf covered pieces that puncture the enlarged heart. These pieces resemble veins or arteries. One can assume that the reason they are gold is because they mimic clogged veins or arteries. Clogged veins or arteries contain the build-up of fats, cholesterol, and other substances. This build up does mimic a yellowish, gold like color. 

Fat Friend By Mark Fletcher and Tobias Meyer

There are also two large gold like pieces that resemble wings but may as well be mimicking hyperinflated lungs. Though overweightness and obesity don’t directly cause hyperinflated lungs, they do lead to other pulmonary illnesses such as difficulty in breathing and hypoventilation. Lastly, there is also a pink gut like piece that sits at the base of the artwork. The gut is also enlarged and may point to the illness of Abdominal distension, that is again caused by overweightness and obesity. All in all, the artwork itself is a mimesis of human organs that can be affected by being “fat” or overweight. Though the title may be offensive to some, the artwork itself does highlight the repercussions of a lifestyle where health isn’t the main concern.

Fat Friend By Mark Fletcher and Tobias Meyer

The artwork isn’t inherently political but it does hold quite a bold message. Through the pieces that represent organs affected by overweightness and or obesity, the artwork tries to show the horrors of these illnesses in an abstract way. The message is most likely to live a healthy life, to be on a diet, and to exercise. The way in which it’s trying to effect a change in the viewer is by making them understand why certain elements of the artwork are the way they are. The viewer will question why the heart and lungs are so enlarged and the viewer will wonder what the gold objects piercing the heart mean. Through contemplating the purpose of each piece, the viewer will arrive at the message, which is again to be mindful of the effects of overweightness and obesity and to strive to live a healthy life.

Fat Friend By Mark Fletcher and Tobias Meyer

The idea the artwork posses and the message it holds are quite similar. However, The way the artwork expresses the idea and message may not be the most efficient. The artwork is a little too abstract and can take on an entirely different meaning very easily. If it weren’t for the title of the artwork, “Fat Friend”, it would’ve been really hard to decode what the meaning and purpose of the art work is. Furthermore, only if the viewer is intrigued enough by the abstractness of the piece, they will be able to understand what the artwork is trying to communicate due to the drive of curiosity.  All in all, Fat Friend by Mark Fletcher and Tobias Meyer is an extremely complex and intriguing piece of art and can be very fun to decode.

Note: Unfortunately, the post is a little over the word count but there were just too many details to explain and discuss. Hope this isn’t too much, sorry!