We will begin our 12/3 class with STEAM presentations.

This is your chance to turn your proposals into dialogue with an audience. Your presentation should cover:

  • The concept or idea motivating the project
  • The materials and methods of making the artwork, and the relationship of those materials/methods to the motivating concept
  • What you hope the audience will engage with, ask about, and take away. (NOTE: since you have your first audience on hand, you might in fact ask for their reactions. Q&A is a totally acceptable presentation tactic!)
  • Anything else of interest: problems you’ve encountered and solved; the narrative of the project’s evolution; a plan of the work left to do; influences/artworks you’ve seen (or criticism you’ve read) that inspired you

You must have some part of your project–an object, a recording, a set of sketches–completed and ready to display to the class.

Everyone in your group should contribute, out loud, during the presentation. 

Presentations will take up 30-45 minutes. Therefore, every group should bring something STEAM-related to work on for the remainder of class. If you plan to work outside the classroom, please tell me where, for how long, and why an alternate space works better for you.