One piece of artwork that caught my eye was Jack Levine’s painting called Welcome Home. Levine’s work is represented in Edith Halpert’s gallery in the Jewish Museum. All the artwork in the gallery once belonged to Edith Halpert. She owned nearly five hundred pieces of art by modern artists and nearly five hundred pieces of American folk art. Halpert planned on donating her collection but died prior to making the proper arrangements. Her collection sold for $3.95 million dollars. It is believed that her collection was so successful because of her name associated with the pieces, this is known as “The Halpert Influence”. Levine’s artwork was one of the pieces in her collection. It is able to show the United States’ General and his partners in a negative way. The individuals appear snobby and superior than the waiter and other working-class individuals. The artwork was made by painting oils on a canvas. The painting has a resemblance to political cartoons in newspapers. The sharp edges and the size of their heads replicate cartoon styles. This piece of work is not a mimesis because it intends to deliver a message which resulted in Levine making unnatural details.

Jack Levine was a soldier who fought during World War II and he has said that this painting was not intended to insult the Army, it was a celebration of leaving it. This artwork was criticized and was called “Anti-American” by many. However, Halpert supported Levine and said, “The Levine painting is not anti-American. It’s just anti-pompous general.” Levine’s work is political and shows his view of the American government. He illustrates the arrogant demeanor of the individuals through their facial expressions. The painting shows who benefits from war and leaves out the American heroes who risked their lives. The figures in the paintings have distorted and exaggerated faces to convey the message of them being corrupt. They all appear to be unhappy even though they are being catered to their every need by the waiter. This shows that these individuals can never be satisfied and will never be happy. The artwork was initially located in a gallery in Moscow to represent America’s superiority. The painting however, conveyed the opposite message. It was criticized by the President of the United States, Dwight D. Eisenhower. Eisenhower was not impressed with the painting and he explained, “It looks like a lampoon more than art as far as I am concerned.” Eisenhower, who was investigating unamerican activities at the time in fear of communisim, was pressured to take action against the painting and Levine but decided not to.

This painting was able to show the greediness of individuals in government while also showing America’s freedom of speech. One can criticize the military respectfully without facing unfair repercussions. This painting was able to show certain individuals’ beliefs of American government. The cartoon aspect of the painting worked well because it related to more individuals. The characteristics of the people are entertaining and in a certain way can even be comedic. Levine was successful in connecting with the American citizens and even with people worldwide. The initial viewers in Moscow were even able to identify the U.S. General and his associates as greedy unpleasant individuals. Levine’s message was political and he was able to convey his message to his entire audience.