This work created by Rachel Feinstein portrays a figure with a clock for a head, guns, and swords for arms and hands, and a mixture of weapons, booze, playing cards, among other objects for a body. According to the description posted to the side of the sculpture, it was originally a drawing by Rachel Feinstein’s son from when he was ten years old. Feinstein brings this drawing to life and gives this drawing meaning—something that is usually difficult to find in a ten-year-old’s sketches. The material used is powder-coated aluminum and vinyl. The colors chosen by Feinstein were selected to resemble a sketch—tieing the work back to its original source. At first, the piece seemed like an abstract mixture of various items. However, after examining the piece for a few moments, I began to realize why Feinstein—or her son—chose specifically the elements that he/she chose. Weapons represent violence, booze represents vulgarity, and cards represent gambling. The artist wanted to portray several vices that a person could inhabit. I believe that by having a clock for a head, which does actually tell the time accurately, it shows that the figure is currently stressed—maybe from racing against time to get an assignment done or just always feeling burdened by limited time. Because the figure is so stressed, it takes up these various vices represented throughout its body. Although I don’t think the sculpture is tied to politics, I do believe that it is connected to society. The figure stands for humanity—when we get stressed because of time constraints, we tend to act irrationally and may acquire bad habits as a result. Additionally, I think that Feinstein made the clock functioning to show that this is a serious problem and is occurring in our time. It seems like it is trying to show the viewer the potential negative implications that arise from stress and that you should try to avoid it. Another interpretation of this artwork can be that it shows us the inner thoughts of a ten-year-old. Because it was sketched by Feinstein’s son, this whole drawing and all/most of its aspects can be attributed to him. Maybe this is the way her son sees the world: a bunch of people racing against the clock, causing violence, acting vulgar, and gambling. Maybe Feinstein’s son has a bad view of humanity and this is how he represents it artistically. Feinstein may have wanted to represent this view to the world to show everyone what a delegate of the younger generation sees in society.