Grant me the inexpressible beauty of a placid approaching night;

Grant me the silence of the roaring motors of the day; 

Grant me the soothing waves, harmonious and lethargic with the scent of the sea;

Grant me spacious streets and empty streets-grant me the hearing of my own steps;

Grant me an aroma of lavender, roses, and daisies, as I stand in the midst of a park gazing at the bright sparkling night sky;

Grant me peace and quiet from the endless conversations from all sides;

Grant be a break from the fast paced city life (every hour and every second) everyone in a rush;

Grant me time to explore, explore untimed the vast beauties of the city;

Grant me greenery, everywhere and anywhere, all around me; 

Grant me sunrises and sunsets of all colors, but those that don’t indicate start and finish;

Grant me stillness in the moving city, stillness in the neverending honks, lights, and yells;

Grant me a view, a ravishing one, a view not blocked by infinite streets and buildings;

These wishes and requests, all hidden in the overpowering city, the city that hugs you in;

These, though, to complete would be a wonder and smile to my heart;

Though, to say, the city has its beauty too, and I remain with it;

The city, enormous and mysterious, always different and new;

New faces, new creatures, new signs, new scents, new adventures;

The city that has become home, and yet it still is not.