Prof. Laura Kolb | Fall 2019 | Baruch College

Be Cautious


Page 3 of the 2018 Tesla Model 3 safety rating report:


1 Comment

  1. Raiyan

    This piece of document is much different and can be looked at as a unique approach into erasure poetry because of the fact that this is a document that is classified as very informative but crucial. The original document was taken from the third page of the 2018 Tesla Model 3 safety rating report and in the report, some important logistics was reported. This includes the authors of the report, the sponsorship of the certain safety precaution test, along with a brief abstract of the report itself. At first glance, this is a very straight to the point page where information is being laid out to the reader in a chart format, which is meant to be glanced over and analyzed. However, after the erasure poem technique was implemented, more than 95% of the words in the document was blocked out. The words that remained were “Government”. “Testing of”, “traffic safety”, and lastly “failures were reported”. As one can see, contrary to the original document, this new document has a sense of suspense and feeling to it. When someone reads this document, they see the words government testing and how there were failures that were reported in this test. This gives the reader a sense of nervousness and suspense because the words that were purposefully left, were there to invoke a sense of emotion out of the reader. Knowing that this is a safety report, the last thing that people would want to hear would be “failures were reported” because this invokes a sense of fear in the readers and along with the involvement of the government, elevates the credibility of the document.

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