Kosher Seoul

A Jews semester in South Korea

Whoops… 시간이 없어요! 미않해요…

I haven’t updated this in a long, long tIme and for that I’m sorry. Kosher-wise I’m struggling a bit, it’s so hard from going to New York where I could get just about everything I wanted to having few foods at hand, and no restaurants. Passover (Pesach) was quite interesting, with the Ma Nishtana portion being recited in Korean, Hebrew, English, and Yiddish. The Chabad/Jewish Center here is extremely diverse. There were so many people that I even stayed in hotels for the first and second part of the holiday.
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Now I’ve been staying at families for Shabbat (Sabbath) and I am enjoying not having to cook for myself for a few meals!
I’ve done a lot of things since my last post. I’ve been to a concert that I really wanted to go to (Super Show 5), went to the Trick Eye, War Memorial, and National Museums. I went to Lotteworld, Coex Aquarium, Seoul Fashion Week, and saw the cherry blossoms at Jamsil and Yeoido. I’ve done a lot of things that I’m happy with.
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Yesterday, however, I did one of the most memorable: I went to the DMZ the Day before North Korea has threatened to do *something.* I don’t know what, and even if they will but some people told my friends and me that we were crazy to go.
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But, while I am nervous, the mood here is that unless something happens there is no use to panic. The North has used scare tactics in the past. Hopefully this time too. It’s a bit like Israel honestly, keep living as usual unless there is 100% a need to do otherwise.
In other news, I’m hoping to get an internship and stay here for the summer so that I can do another level of KLI. I was placed into level one and so I’m learning baby stuff, which is e termed unfortunate. Trying to figure out how to take Korean when I get back to NY, because I was told the only class offered is for native speakers…


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